• Maintains temperature longer than other AV's
  • Easy to clean between uses
  • Rigid construction allows easy manipulation for additional stimulation
Price: $339.50


    The 12" CSU Model™ AV Case with large cuff is the smallest Colorado Model AV available. The large cuff provides a little additional padding for the stallion while he is working the AV.

    ARS Part NumberSAV-102-15
    Weight AV Alone2.5 lbs
    Weight AV with Bladder (empty)3.1 lbs
    Weight AV Filled to Accommodate Stallion      14.1 lbs
    Artificial Vagina Case Diameter6.25 "
    Small Cuff Diameter7.0 "
    Large Cuff Diameter7.9 "

    AV Assembly Overview can be found here (Will be opened in a new tab)

    The "Techniques in Equine Reproduction", 6th Edition book is an excellent resource that includes a chapter on assembling the Colorado AV.