Products 1-26 of 26
590B Stallion Sperm Counter Kit
Price: $2,800.00
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: DENK-1001 -

The 590B Densimeter, with the stallion calibration, provides quick, affordable, and accurate sperm concentration measurements. This simple two button device has the same superior accuracy as all other ARS "Blue Box" Densimeters. The Stallion Sperm Counter Kit includes the 590B Densimeter, stallion sperm concentration calibration, and all equipment and supplies to perform the first 100 measurements. Replacement supplies are available and may be purchased in convenient quantities. ARS also...

591C Stallion Sperm Counter Kit
Price: $2,995.00
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: DENK-1201 -

The 591C Densimeter with the stallion calibration is designed to quickly and accurately estimate sperm concentration and automatically perform all calculations required to create appropriate insemination doses. A built-in "Expert System" provides simple step-by-step instructions for evaluating semen for both on-farm (Immediate Use) and Cooled Storage / Transported (Cooled and Shipped) doses. These instructions follow semen processing protocols developed by the Colorado State University Animal...

ARS E-Z Records Equine Software
Price: $467.50
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: 534B-170-V2.00 -

The E-Z Records™ 2.0 Equine software for Windows 10/7/Vista/XP offers an exciting, easy to use method of managing any equine breeding operation. This program allows ARS Densimeters to communicate directly with a personal computer. Version 2.0 of the E -Z Records™ Equine program is designed to work with all 591 and 590 Densimeters. In addition, the legacy 534B Densimeter is still supported. E-Z Records™ keeps track of your breeding program by recording information into a database for later...

Disposable Plastic Cuvettes & Caps  (100/box)
Price: $33.50
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: 537-204-205C/100 -

Disposable Plastic Cuvettes are used in the Densimeter to hold the sample for measurement of concentration. It is important that a fresh, clean cuvette be used each time to ensure the most accurate measurement. Disposable Cuvette Caps are used to seal the Cuvette while the semen and Formalin are being mixed, and help prevent spills inside the Densimeter. Disposable Cuvettes and Caps are sold in boxes of 100.To prevent semen spills ARS strongly recommends the use of Cuvette Caps with the...

Bulk Disposable Plastic Cuvette Caps (1000/pkg)
Price: $96.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 537-205C/1000 -

Disposable Cuvette Caps are used to seal the Cuvette while the semen and Formalin are being mixed, and help prevent spills inside the Densimeter. Bulk Disposable Caps are sold in a bag of 1000.

Bulk Disposable Plastic Cuvettes (1000/case)
Price: $162.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 537-204/1000 -

Disposable Plastic Cuvettes are used in the Densimeter to hold the sample for measurement of concentration. It is important that a fresh, clean cuvette be used each time to ensure the most accurate measurement.Case of 10 boxes of 100. Bulk Cuvette Caps sold separately.

Disposable Red Pipette Tips (100/bag)
Price: $39.75
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: 594TR-B/100 -

Bulk packaged bag of disposable pipette tips for the ARS 180 ul Positive Displacement Pipette.  Bag of 100 tips will refill the standard rack supplied with the Densimeter.

Disposable Red Pipette Tips (1000/bag)
Price: $329.50
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: 594TR-B/1000 -

Bulk packaged bag of disposable pipette tips for the ARS 180 ul Positive Displacement Pipette. Bag of 1000 tips.

Disposable Red Pipette Tips (200/bag)
Price: $74.25
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: 594TR-B/200 -

Bulk packaged bag of disposable pipette tips for the ARS 180 ul Positive Displacement Pipette.  Bag of 200 tips.

Disposable Tan Pipette Tips (100/bag)
Price: $39.75
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: 594TT-B/100 -

Bulk packaged bag of disposable pipette tips for the ARS Tan Cap Positive Displacement Pipette.  Bag of 100 tips will refill the standard rack supplied with the Densimeter.

Racked Disposable Red Pipette Tips (100/rack)
Price: $59.00
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: 594TR-R/100 -

Rack of 100 disposable red pipette tips for the ARS 180 ul Positive Displacement Pipette. The Pipette Tip Rack is used as a convenient tool for mating the tip to the Pipette. Racks can be refilled using the Bulk Bagged Red Tips.

Formalin 10 Solution (6/case)
Price: $109.40
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: FRM-101/6 -

Formalin 10 Solution is used in the Densimeter as a dilution media for stallion semen. The 500 ml bottle is designed to connect directly to the Formalin Dispenser for accurate measurements during use.

Formalin 10 Solution (bottle)
Price: $20.00
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: FRM-101 -

Formalin 10 Solution is used in the Densimeter as a dilution media for stallion semen. The 500 ml bottle is designed to connect directly to the Formalin Dispenser for accurate measurements during use.

ARS 180 ul Positive Displacement Pipette
Price: $265.00
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: 594KR-1800 -

Positive Displacement Pipettes are required for accurate measurement of thick viscus liquids such as semen. This 180 μl Positive Displacement Pipette is used to precisely measure the volume of semen required for use in the Densimeter. Pipette Tips are sold separately.

Precision 3.42 ml Bottle Top Dispenser
Price: $300.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 537-215-01 -

The Precision 3.42 ml  Dispenser is designed to attach to the top of the Formalin 10 Solution bottle and accurately measure 3.42 ml of Formalin 10 for use in the Densimeter. This item replaces the dispenser model previously sold as part number 537-202

"AA" Nickel Hydride Batteries for 590 Densimeter (4/Pkg)
Price: $19.50
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 537-672/4 -

Rechargeable Nickel Hydride batteries for the 590 series Densimeters.

590 Series Densimeter Power Supply
Price: $39.50
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 537-816-PS -

Replacement Universal Power Supply for the 590 Densimeter. Output is rated at 12vdc 0.8 amp.

591 Densimeter Power Supply with Cord
Price: $44.35
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 537-803 -

120V - 240V to 12V DC Replacement Universal Power Supply for 591 Densimeter.

USB 2.0 Cable for 590B and 591B Densimeter
Price: $15.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 537-796 -

Used to connect the 590B or 591B Densimeters to a computer. 6' length. This cable is included in the 590B and 591B Densimeter kits and is available as a replacement item..

Vehicle Power Cord, 12V DC, For 590 and 591 Densimeters
Price: $10.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 537-691 -

The vehicle power cord allows the 591 or 590 Densimeter to plug into a standard car accessory connector.

Foal IgG Test Supply Kit
Price: $154.00
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: IGG-101-KIT -

Foal IgG Test Supply KitReplacement supplies for foal IgG testing are packaged and sold in a kit of ten (10) tests. Each individual test uses dilution cuvette, measurement cuvette, 2 red pipette tips, blue pipette tip, lavender 3 ml vacutainer tube, and a cap to seal the measurement cuvette. In addition, a 2 ml bottle of Anti-Equine IgG Serum is included with each kit. ARS recommends that the Foal IgG Test Supply Kit be in transit no more than two (2) days. It has been shown that extended...

591B Densimeter Foal IgG Upgrade
Price: $250.00
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: IGG-101-591B-UG -

The 591B Densimeter may be upgraded to measure both sperm concentrations and foal IgG levels. Once loaded, the operator may choose between sperm concentration and foal IgG measurements by simply selecting the desired operation. Current 591B owners may purchase the 591B Densimeter Foal IgG Upgrade (IGG-101-591B-UG)  Upgrade kit includes the IgG calibration CD, users guide, and a handy Foal IgG Poster. A Foal IgG Test Supply Kit is required and purchased separately. Each kit provides...

590B Densimeter Foal IgG Upgrade
Price: $250.00
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: IGG-101-590B-UG -

he 590 Densimeter may be upgraded to measure both sperm concentrations and foal IgG levels. Once loaded, the operator may choose between sperm concentration and foal IgG measurements by simply selecting the desired operation. Current 590 owners may purchase the 590 Densimeter Foal IgG Upgrade which includes the IgG calibration CD, users guide, and a handy Foal IgG poster.  A Foal IgG Test Supply Kit is required and purchased separately. Each kit provides enough supplies to test 10 foals. ...

Densimeter Canine Sperm Concentration Upgrade
Price: $456.80
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: CSK-101- -

The 590 and 591 Densimeters may be upgraded to measure both stallion sperm concentrations and canine sperm concentrations. Once loaded, the operator may choose between the two species by simply selecting the desired operation. Current Densimeter owners may purchase the Densimeter Canine Sperm Concentration Upgrade which includes the canine calibration CD, users guide, 94.7 ul Pipette, and all the supplies required to perform the first 20 measurements. ...

591a Densimeter Foal IgG Upgrade
Price: $250.00
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: IGG-101-591A-UG -

The 591 Densimeter may be upgraded to measure both sperm concentrations and foal IgG levels. Once loaded, the operator may choose between sperm concentration and foal IgG measurements by simply selecting the desired operation. Current 591a owners may purchase the 591a Densimeter Foal IgG Upgrade (IGG-101-591A-UG)  Upgrade kit includes the IgG calibration CD, users guide, and Foal IgG Poster. A Foal IgG Test Supply Kit is required and purchased separately. Each kit provides enough supplies...

590a Densimeter Foal IgG Upgrade
Price: $250.00
Availability: In Stock
Animal Reproduction Systems, Inc. Item #: IGG-101-590A-UG -

The 590a Densimeter may be upgraded to measure both sperm concentrations and foal IgG levels. Once loaded, the operator may choose between sperm concentration and foal IgG measurements by simply selecting the desired operation. Current 590a owners may purchase the 590a Densimeter Foal IgG Upgrade which includes the IgG calibration CD, users guide, and handy Foal IgG poster.  A Foal IgG Test Supply Kit is required and purchased separately. Each kit provides enough supplies to test 10...