Products 49-72 of 256
15" Artificial Vagina Case with Small Cuff & Filler Cap Artifical Vagina, AV, Colorado AV, CSU AV
Price: $339.50
Availability: In Stock
Item #: SAV-103-15 -

The 15" CSU Model™ AV Case with small cuff is the smallest Colorado Model AV available. The small cuff allows for easier installation of of round and flat liners in comparison to the large cuff model. 

12" Artificial Vagina Case with Large Cuff & Filler Cap
Price: $339.50
Availability: In Stock
Item #: SAV-102-12 -

The 12" CSU Model™ AV Case with large cuff is the smallest Colorado Model AV available. The large cuff provides a little additional padding for the stallion while he is working the AV.

12" Artificial Vagina Case with Small Cuff & Filler Cap
Price: $339.50
Availability: In Stock
Item #: SAV-103-12 -

The 12" CSU Model™ AV Case with small cuff is the smallest Colorado Model AV available. The small cuff allows for easier installation of of round and flat liners in comparison to the large cuff model. 

Hancock Stain
Price: $23.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HCS-101 -

Hancock Stain is an Eosin-Nigrosin stain used to determine the number of live-dead spermatozoa in an ejaculate and to analyze morphological characteristics. Spermatozoa with intact cell membranes will not absorb the stain while those with damaged cell membranes will absorb the stain and appear darker. Hancock Stain is sold in 10ml bottles.

Formalin 10 Solution (bottle)
Price: $20.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: FRM-101 -

Formalin 10 Solution is used in the Densimeter as a dilution media for stallion semen. The 500 ml bottle is designed to connect directly to the Formalin Dispenser for accurate measurements during use.

Formalin 10 Solution (6/case)
Price: $109.40
Availability: In Stock
Item #: FRM-101/6 -

Formalin 10 Solution is used in the Densimeter as a dilution media for stallion semen. The 500 ml bottle is designed to connect directly to the Formalin Dispenser for accurate measurements during use.

Canine Floating Straw Rack
Price: $175.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: CFR-101-LC -

The ARS Canine Floating Freezing Rack is designed to provide optimal cooling for up to twenty five 0.5ml straws. The 3cm elevation over the liquid nitrogen is maintained during the entire freezing process so a digital thermocouple thermometer is no longer required. Foam cooling chest not included.

Saline Solution (bottle)
Price: $13.50
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 537-347 -

Saline Solution is used in the Densimeter as a dilution media for boars and poultry. The 500 ml bottle is designed to connect directly to the Saline Dispenser for accurate measurements during use.

Saline Solution (6/case)
Price: $52.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 537-347/6 -

Saline Solution is used in the Densimeter as a dilution media for boars and poultry semen. The 500 ml bottle is designed to connect directly to the Saline Dispenser for accurate measurements during use.

Price: $49.95
Availability: In Stock
Item #: PAF-101 -

The Predict-A-Foal™ Kit is a mare foaling predictor kit that will determine whether she will be foaling within 12 hours. Safe and easy to perform, the test kit is designed to test for levels of calcium and magnesium in the secretions/milk of the mare's udder. The Predict-A-Foal™ user guide educates expecting horse owners in detecting the signs of parturition, when to begin testing, a step-by-step guide to testing procedures and interpreting test results. Predict-A-Foal™ is the easiest to use...

Floating Straw Rack & Cooler Chest
Price: $190.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: FSR-101 -

The ARS Floating Freezing Rack is designed to provide optimal cooling for up to fifty 0.5ml straws. The 3cm elevation over the liquid nitrogen is maintained during the entire freezing process so a digital thermocouple thermometer is no longer required.A 20" x 14" x 9" foam box and lid with a 1" wall is included. This box is ideally sized to allow loading freezing straws into goblets for storage.

Floating Straw Rack
Price: $180.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: FSR-101-LC -

The ARS Floating Freezing Rack is designed to provide optimal cooling for up to fifty 0.5ml straws. The 3cm elevation over the liquid nitrogen is maintained during the entire freezing process so a digital thermocouple thermometer is no longer required.Foam cooling chest not included.

Cooler Chest & Box (For Floating Straw Rack)
Price: $25.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: FSR-101-CHEST -

20" x 14" x 9" foam cooling chest with lid. 1" wall thickness outer box is included. This cooler chest is ideally sized to allow loading freezing straws into goblets for storage.

Float Replacement Set
Price: $19.50
Availability: In Stock
Item #: FSR-101-FLOAT/2 -

Replacement floats for the FSR-101 Floating Straw Rack. Includes 2 floats.

Predict-A-Foal, 15 Test Strips
Price: $30.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: PAF-101-TS -

Replacement Test Strips for the Predict-A-Foal mare foaling predictor kit. 15 Strips per package.

ARS 94.7 ul Positive Displacement Pipette
Price: $265.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 594KR-0947 -

Positive Displacement Pipettes are required for accurate measurement of thick viscus liquids such as semen. This 94.7 μl Positive Displacement Pipette is used to precisely measure the volume of canine semen required for use in the Densimeter. Pipette Tips are sold separately.

ARS 180 ul Positive Displacement Pipette
Price: $265.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 594KR-1800 -

Positive Displacement Pipettes are required for accurate measurement of thick viscus liquids such as semen. This 180 μl Positive Displacement Pipette is used to precisely measure the volume of semen required for use in the Densimeter. Pipette Tips are sold separately.

E-Z Pass Foal Enema Kit
Price: $59.50
Availability: In Stock
Item #: EZPF-101 -

E-Z Pass™ Enema Kit is an Acetylcysteine Enema designed for use in newborn foals with meconium impaction. The mucolytic properties of Acetylcysteine make this product highly effective in providing relief to newborn foals. The E-Z Pass™ Enema Kit includes all materials and supplies required, and is completely disposable. Studies have shown that up to three applications may be necessary for successful treatment of meconium impaction. The E-Z Pass™ Enema kit includes three packets (treatment...

E-Z Pass Packets (12/pkg)
Price: $135.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: EZPF-101-EP/12 -

The E-Z Pass™ Acetylcysteine Enema packets can also be purchased in bulk as individual packets for veterinarians and large farms who wish to provide their own supplies.

E-Z Cushion Centrifigation Cushion (30ml/bottle)
Price: $59.95
Availability: In Stock
Item #: EZC-101 -

E-Z Cushion™ is a centrifugation media designed specifically to maximize sperm recovery. E-Z Cushion™ provides a soft barrier for the sperm pellet to rest on during this process allowing higher g-force and longer centrifugation times. Standard centrifugation techniques result in the recovery of up to75% of spermatozoa in the initial sample. Using a cushion will result in enhanced sperm recovery of greater than 95% without detrimental effects on sperm motility or morphology. E-Z Cushion™ is...

Equitainer I Shipper, Tube Style
Price: $399.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: EQSH-TUBE-101 -

Perfect for international shipping and for those times when you need an extra cushion of time, the Equitainer I offers the longest maintenance of your shipped semen. (We even had one customer tell us that a shipment delivered 5 days post-collection, due to a customs delay, still resulted in conception!) The Equitainer I also provides the highest level of protection against potential x-ray induced damage of the enclosed semen sample..The Equitainer I has been designed to provide durability,...

591C Foal IgG Analyzer Kit
Price: $2,699.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: DENK-1225 -

The 591C Densimeter, with the foal IgG calibration, provides a quick and accurate onsite measurement of the foal's immunoglobulin G (IgG) level. This test utilizes a small sample of the foal's blood to determine the concentration of IgG present at the time of the test. The 591C Densimeter display shows step-by-step prompts which guide the operator through the IgG test. Automatic temperature stabilization of the test compartment insures maximum accuracy in low temperature environments. The...

ARS Tris-EDTA, 90ml Vial
Price: $11.50
Availability: In Stock
Item #: TEDTA-90 -

ARS Tris-EDTA solution for treating bacterial endometritis in mares.  The 90 ml vial with sealed rubber stopper provides three treatments when following the protocols provided in the "Formulary and Protocols in Equine Reproduction" book published by the Colorado State University Equine Reproduction Laboratory.  Bacterial endometritis is an important cause of reduced fertility in mares. Addition of Tris-EDTA to an antibiotic has been shown to significantly reduce the minimal...

E-Z Mixin® -"CST" Semen Extender Standard Formula (125 ml)
Price: $8.30
Availability: In Stock
Item #: EZM-CST -

E-Z Mixin® -"CST" contains the antibiotic Amikacin and is recommended for cooled semen programs where the semen must be stored for extended periods and/or transported. E-Z Mixin® "CST" is also ideal for immediate on-farm use when an extender without Polymyxin B Sulfate is desired. E-Z Mixin® Semen Extenders are sold individually or in case lots. Each "CST" kit consists of two components: Component A is a plastic bottle of USP purified water and Component B is a hermetically sealed packet...